Google Plus one is a new feature by Google to help your blogs/websites to get notified easily in Search engines mainly Google .After a grand 'Au Revoir ' to Google Buzz , its descendant Google Plus One reforms to add more functionality to its Social page Google Plus and offering a social stamp recommending to the public .Adding a Plus One feature into your blog posts recommends it to search engines.The more the plus one ,the more your posts get notified and there ranking in the front page of the Google which in turn increases traffic to your websites.
Adding a Plus One feature is very simple.One way is to use the Google codes which provides a platform to customize and provide you codes of how you want your Plus one button to look like with +1 Snippet.
1. Use Google Webmasters +1 button to organize your code.Then copy the codes and follow the instructions in the <!--Comment section --> telling you where to place the codes.
2. Another simple and easy way is add the code yourself into the Edit Html of your Blogs/websites.In there, add a single line ,
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
just below the </head> .
Then, add <g:plusone></g:plusone> where you want to render your Plus One Button.
Appearance :
If you can change the code according to the appearances like Small (15px),Medium(20px),Standard (24px) and Tall (60px) , just change the second code accordingly
Example : <g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone>
<g:plusone size="standard"></g:plusone>
To Place in the required place in your Blog Posts
Use [CTRL + F ] in Edit Html (after expanding ) to find the required codes.
1.In order to make Plus One button to appear below and near the Title of your Blog Posts , place it just below this line.
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
2.In order to make Plus One button to appear near the entry of the contents ,place the code below this line
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
3.In order to make Plus One button to appear near the end of your blog post in the footer, place the codes just below this line
<div class='post-footer'>
Now, you will have your Google Plus One Button the way you wish it to be in a hassle free way.
Do Plus One this post above if you like this post .
Great Post! It help a lot while adding g+1 button in my blog: