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VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE for multiplying numbers close to 100
Now let us see another simple form of vertically and crosswise method for numbers close to 100.This method will amuse you with its simplicity.

(a) For numbers below 100

Example 1 :  82 * 94
The above numbers are close to 100
82  is 18 below 100 and 94 is 6 below 100.

82 +18
94 + 6

(82-6) or (94-18) / (6 * 18) ,now by multipying the right side and subracting the left side
76 / 108   ....76+1 / 08 ,by carrying over '1' since it is a two digit number

Therefore ,82 * 94 =7708

Example 2: 88 * 95

88 +12
95 + 5             ------> gives 100
(88-5)/(12 * 5)
83 / 60

Therefore, 88 * 95 =8360

(b) For numbers above 100 

Example 1: 102 * 105

102  - 2
105  - 5    ........> gives 100
(105+2) / 5 * 2 we have to add the opposite numbers

Therefore,102 * 105 =10710

Example 2: 111 * 108

111 - 11
108 -  8.......> gives 100
(111+8)  / 11 * 8
119 /88
Therefore , 111 * 108 = 11988

More on Vertically and Crosswire along with the Grid Method


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